Ghasri |
Ghasri is Gozo's smallest parish and village, and one of the most traditional. Like neighboring Zebbug, with which it formed part till 1921, Ghasri probably owes its name to the olive industry. The village of Ghasri leads to Ghasri Valley, which ends in a beautiful tight gorge, dropping into the sea. Ghasri is home to the first lighthouse ever to be built in Gozo, known as Ta' Gordan. The reason why Ghasri was chosen to carry the beacon for Gozo is its location. The village overlooks the northernmost point of the Maltese islands and sentries have always been sent here to watch for boats approaching the islands from the north.
Ghasri remains its 18th century charm and its magnificent views from Ghammar and ta Gordan while it continues to flash that beam of light. Down to the coast it is a placid grace along the wied which, at its confluence with the sea, becomes a fjord like gorge. This pleasant scene can be viewed from the hill which is home to the first lighthouse ever built in Gozo. Known as ta Gordan, it surveys the north shore from an altitude of 180 meters. Under British governor William Reid, a large oil lantern was supplied (1853). This flashed at intervals with the help of a revolving reflector 1857 saw the building of a new 21 meter high lighthouse, whose 23 gasoline lamps remained in place till 1963. A new electric device now supplies a lamp with such intensity that its beacon stretches over a radius of over 50KM. |